hello from 台中

2014-05-18 19.05.25-1

I’m feeling really blessed to be surrounded by so many lovely and kind people and for this opportunity to have such a wonderful adventure for the next seven weeks. I’ve only been here for two and a half days but already so many things have happened and everyone has been super nice.

  • Late night ice-cream run with my roommate for the next two weeks
  • Cooking dinner with my host family
  • Meeting so many cute students in the jr high school I’m attached to
  • Receiving a whole bunch of Taiwanese food and snacks from them (including bubble tea!!!!)
  • 7am walks to school
  • Jamming with my ukulele
  • Meeting a 7 year old artist who gave me his very first drawing
  • Getting a whole bunch of postcards, photos and a roll of washi tape from one of the students
  • Finding out that there’s a catholic church nearby

I also made a video to share my past travels with my students /// posting it here for you guys to watch too:

I’ll be posting regular (ish) updates on adventuresofdenise.tumblr.com and on the hashtag #adventuresofdenise on Instagram! :)